My Mother

Mother Holding Sapling with Child.
Mother Holding Sapling with Child.

Brought into this World through her Womb.
Like a seed planted in her Clay I bloom.

I became her world for rest of her Life
As if she was living my Lows and highs

The only living Soul, and no other….
The crown of Love and Care …My Mother


You are ushered into this world by one and one alone,
For me, there were many who see me as their Own.

There was one in whom I would confide,
Another behind whom I would hide.

One with whom I would laugh,
Still another who feeds my soul, almost my second half.

In your presence I become the boy of yesterday,
For you reside in my heart and I’m just a call away.

Happy Mother’s Day to All the Mothers in my life 😘

©Chandni Katira